Self-publishing. It has a glorious, ringing sound to it. A cut above the childish, "I'll do it myself!" it seems like it ought to stand for freedom of expression, independent experimentation with brand new fiction ideas...and so much more.
And it does. The further I go on this voyage, the more I understand how little I knew when I started; the more grateful I am that I'm not alone out here. 'cause it's not easy. Self-publishing is not just about the writing. Suddenly you're the author, the publisher, the press agent/marketing division, Chief Cook and bottle washer. :-)
Again, I'm genuinely grateful that I'm not the only one out here. I could spend (and have spent) hours studying blogs and articles on websites such as, learning from the Indie authors who broke the trail for the rest of us. When to, where to, how to, why to, who's all there. Sometimes it takes a little fishing, some sifting and sorting to find exactly what we think we're looking for; and often it turns up in the most surprising places! I'm currently working my way through "The Science of Marketing," by Dan Zarrella. I was disappointed when I realized that the book was written for non-fiction authors, but I decided to read a little of it anyway. At the most I was hoping to get enough from it to compensate for having to carry it in my backpack from point A to point B. Now I'm reading it with pen in hand, taking notes!
So if you haven't found what you're looking for, don't give up. It can take years to become an "overnight success" ( :-)
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